Earlier this month, Kubernetes became the first project to graduate from incubation under the aegis of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Moving from idea to architecture to ecosystem took the work of thousands of contributors.
With up to 180 teraflops per TPU, a new quickstart, and full integration with AI and data analytics services on GCP, Cloud TPUs put on-demand machine learning supercomputing at your fingertips. Next stop: quantum computing?
Personalized medicine. IoT for healthcare. The use of AI and ML to diagnose conditions from cancer to cardiovascular disease. Learn how healthcare innovators are using GCP to level the playing field with their HIPAA-compliant solutions.
When Optiva ported its Tier 1 telecom charging system over to Cloud Spanner, it saw a 10x jump in performance – and a 10x drop in cost. Read how Cloud Spanner, thanks to its strongly consistent relational database, outpaced legacy solutions.
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